Climate Change Awareness Week
This week, YBH launched a climate change information campaign on our social media platforms. We talked about the 6 biggest carbon emitters and some tips on what you can do to help.

Here’s a quick recap:
Transportation - 29% of 2019 greenhouse gas emissions
Electricity production - 25%
Industry - 23%
Commercial and Residential - 13%
Agriculture - 10%
Land Use and Forestry - 12%
Seeing these statistics can sometimes feel overwhelming. This blogpost will talk about some ways you as a youth leader can combat climate change through initiatives and campaigns. It will outline an initiative to counter each of the carbon emitters mentioned above.
1. Start a Communal Carpool Non-profit

Transportation causes a ton of greenhouse gas emissions due to the sheer amount of fossil fuels being burned for our vehicles. One great way to reduce emissions is to simply reduce the vehicles being used. Create a vehicle share platform in your community or partner with an existing vehicle share platform and donate proceeds to a climate change cause.
Some things to think about:
How will I ensure the safety of my clients and drivers?
Is there a local initiative doing something similar? Can I partner with them?
How much will I charge?
How large a scale will I make this? For my school, community, soccer team or city?
2. Circulate a Petition for Clean Electricity

Electricity production mostly comes from fossil fuels, coal and natural gas. Petition your city to invest in starting a clean electricity program by drafting a proposal for a plan, doing your research well, and gathering signatures to show local support.
Some things to think about:
How doable for my city is it to look into clean energy?
What are some logistical issues they might face?
What solutions can I include in my proposal?
Who might be willing to endorse my petition?
How will I circulate it?
3. Run an Awareness Campaign

The industry produces greenhouse gasses through waste and the use of fossil fuels. Run an awareness campaign to hold business and industries accountable by encouraging followers to rethink what they buy and consume. Discuss how industries are unsustainable and provide consumer alternatives. Remember supply and demand - if demand decreases, the supply process will decrease as well.
Some things to think about:
Where will I get reliable information?
How will I share the information?
What are some sustainable consumer choices?
4. Organize a Weekly Clean-up Initiative

Residential communities produce a lot of waste, and a lot of this ends up in our parks and forests. Work together with a team to start a weekly clean-up of your local parks and forests.
Some things to consider:
How will we stay safe while we gather garbage?
What tools will we need?
Where will we dispose of our collected trash?
Who will work on my team?
5. Start a Veganuary Campaign

Greenhouse emissions from agriculture come from cows producing methane, large water consumption, large land usage and deforestation for farms and more. With a team, start a veganuary campaign next January, and encourage followers and friends to participate by going vegan for a month. Track who gets involved and remember to post updates and facts along the way.
Some things to consider:
How will I encourage people to get involved?
What kind of content will I post?
Who can help me?
How will I track success?
6. Start a Tree-planting Initiative

Deforestation is occurring at an alarming rate, even within our cities and communities. Launch a tree-planting initiative at a local park or farm, and come back to add more every year.
Some things to think about:
Where will I source saplings from?
Where will I plant them?
Who will volunteer with me?
Are there any permits or legal permissions that I need?
How will I transport the saplings?
That’s it for this week! Hope these ideas inspired you to join the battle against climate change and remember to check back next week for our new blog and follow us on Instagram @youthbeheardcanada