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Discovering your passion

Want to start an initiative but have no idea what about? You’re not alone! Even worse, ever heard someone say “follow your passion” when you express your struggle!? It’s tough to hear, but also very true! For this reason, it’s important to take some time to truly understand what you’re passionate about and define your own version of it. That said, discovering your passion is a lifelong quest. To help out, this article includes some tricks on uncovering passions in your life that you can implement into greater good!

  1. What do you spend your time doing? Look for the highlights in your day, what is it that you do that makes you the most happy? Does baking bring you joy? You could implement that into your initiative! Do you often enjoy watching nature documentaries? Maybe explore more about nature and it’s threats! These little things you do with your time tell a lot about your passions, so observe yourself and your time usage.

  2. What classes do you enjoy the most? This can tell a lot about where your interests lie. Is dance class your absolute favorite? Or is that chemistry? This can serve as a basis for the topic you want to surround your initiative with!

  3. What do you like to talk about in everyday life? What’s a common subject you lean towards when chatting with friends, family, or even strangers! As an example, I always get very excited when topics of photography come up with my peers. In fact, I often bring it up myself! Can you recall any topic of interest that always gears you up? Be it about nature, fashion, or specific current events? Utilize these topics of interest to spearhead your search for passion!

  4. Who inspires you, and why? Lastly, take a look at your inspirational figures in life - and specifically why they inspire you! Remember you don’t have to draw all qualities from them, it’s not an imitation, but rather observe what qualities inspire you and use that to find what your initiative could focus on. As an example, if Bob Ross is a prominent inspiration of yours, maybe your passion lies in art. Or if your inspiration is Ronaldo, maybe soccer and sports are the passion that you can integrate into your initiative!

Don’t be afraid of change or failure, it’s only the natural course of life. Finding your passion is an ongoing and evolving process! It’s perfectly normal to feel lost and confused, so take some time to mull over the questions above. For further inspiration and support in finding a passion for your initiative, make sure to refer to Youth Be Heard’s resources! Best of luck!



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