How to Score a Job
Job application processes can be intimidating and overwhelming. But it also can be very rewarding and a great learning experience. This article will go through a few tips to help you ameliorate your application skills and score that dream job you’ve been eyeing!

Before the interview: Preparation before your interview is the bulk of the work, remember that being prepared alleviates a lot of nerves! Use these tips to increase your chance in getting an interview, and acing it when you do.
Hand your resume in person. Frankly this may seem scary for most individuals, but it’s important to put yourself out there. Your future employer could be sifting through multiple resumes, handing in your resume allows them to attach a face to your name. Remember that first impressions are key, so practice what you will say when handing it in beforehand!
Have a well-written resume. Resumes are constant works in progress, but there are ways to guarantee an impressive resume. This includes the writing, aesthetic appearance, and applicable skills included in your resume. Be honest and be confident in what you have to offer,
Upgrade your social media presence. Your online presence can be key in your job search, use websites like LinkedIn to your advantage! LinkedIn provides you with the chance to put in all your past experiences, education, and awards, that you may not have the room to fit into your resume! You can also attach any blogs you’ve written, websites you’ve created, or project work into your LinkedIn!
Practice your interview beforehand. In my personal opinion this was the most important step in all my job application processes. I would search up interview questions beforehand and practice over and over again with myself, and when I felt confident enough with others. A quick tip for this is to search common application questions for the company you are applying to. This can help prepare you for common questions your employer might be expected to ask, and for what you need to know about the company, which brings us to the next topic.
Research the company. I can't express this enough: do your research! And show that you’ve done it! Be proactive in your interviews, integrate your knowledge of the company's values in your answers! There’s nothing more frustrating than interviewing a candidate who hasn’t done their part in researching the job requirements and company.
Apply even if you don’t fit absolutely every criteria. I completely understand the hesitation to apply to jobs when you feel as though you may be underqualified, or that there are better candidates. What even are your chances? But squash that thought! If this is a job you have been working towards, and you know you will do your absolute best in preparing for it and in the actual job itself - then don’t let a pesky little thought stop you from applying! Mind you I’m not talking about necessary qualifications such as a nursing degree, but rather details such as having less experience than preferred.

During the interview
Look the part. First impressions are crucial! Looking your part not only makes you feel more confident, but it also shows your employer that you’re a serious and professional candidate. This is simply interview etiquette, but it can make or break your chances of landing the job! If you’re nervous about what to wear, you can google possible interview outfits, or ask friends who work in a similar position what they wore for their interview.
Take advantage of the opportunity to ask your own questions. Oftentimes after the interviewing process, the interviewee will ask if you have any questions. Exploit this opportunity to your advantage! Ask unique questions that show the interviewer that you’ve done your research, you’re willing to do what it takes to excel at the job, and that you have a proactive attitude. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste. Browsing through the internet for possible answers to this question could help you brainstorm!

After the interview
Follow up and send a thank you note! Sending a thank you note after the interview allows you to stand out amongst your competitors, and shows that you are serious about this job. But, has it been weeks since you heard back from the interview? Send them a quick and respectful email to inquire about your standing in the application process!
Don’t be discouraged. Scoring an interview in itself is a success. Your job application process is all about learning from past weaknesses, and building your path to success. It is more than normal to receive multiple no’s. What's important is to constantly improve your interview and job application skills. You got this!
Thank you for reading through this lengthy but necessary blogpost! We wish you the best of luck in your job application process, and make sure to update us with your success by email or tagging our instagram handle @youthbeheardcanada