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Overcoming Obstacles #2: Resources

Welcome to part 2 of our four-part series, where we address the largest obstacles that stop youth from taking the initial step of running their own initiatives. In this article, we'll look at ways to overcome hurdles related to finding resources.


You have a brilliant idea for an initiative in mind and now it's time to put it into action. Only one problem, how? Often times when it comes to actually hosting a fundraiser, youth struggle to find the resources to put the fundraiser into motion. In this blog post, I'll discuss the common struggles associated with accessing resources and how to overcome them.


Where can I get guidance?

We've all been in a situation where we just don't know what course of action to take or what to do next. In this case, I suggest you turn towards the following groups:

  1. Family: You might be wondering why would I ask my family for guidance on an iniative? Well not only is it very convenient to discuss your iniative with them, but you'll also have the knowledge of knowing that they'll be honest with you (ie. not sugarcoat something if they believe it's ineffective). You never know, your parents may have dealt with a similar issue at work and your siblings have their own experiences to draw recommendations from. You're also not limited to just your immediate family! Say you're struggling with a technical issue, perhaps you have an uncle or a cousin that works in the tech field that would be able to suggest a solution. Moreover, it sometimes helps to just bounce ideas off of someone and ask what they think.

  2. Friends: You'd be surprised how helpful your peers can be a situation like this. Not only will they give you advice comfortably but their different perspectives can provide insight on how to resolve an issue with your initiative.

  3. Community members: Fundraisers are often held within the community and so discussing any dilemmas with a trusted member in the community can help you gage the point of view of those who would attend or participate in your initiative. In addition, if you're having trouble deciding on something, it might be helpful to survey the community and make the call that way instead.

  4. Mentor: Connecting with a mentor can make some aspects of fundraising super clear. There are tons of mentorship opportunities out there - it's just a matter of signing up for one. Reaching out to those who have worked on an initiative similar to yours will allow for very relevant guidance.

P.S. Becoming a YBH ambassador (link at the end of this post) gives you access to our Slack group where you can discuss and ask questions with fellow youth ambassadors.

A push in the right direction can make a large impact on how well your fundraiser goes. Additionally, it usually only takes a few minutes to ask someone a question, text a friend, or shoot someone an email. Guidance is everywhere, you just have to be willing to ask for it!


Where do I find people to help me?

Fundraisers/initiatives can be a lot of work, and you don't have to do it alone! There are many aspects to ensuring that an initiative is successful and you might be wondering where can you find people to help you carry out the iniaitve?

You can start off by thinking of people you know; peers, classmates, coworkers, etc... Then compile a list of roles you need filled in order to be able to get your fundraiser going. Now based on the strengths and personalities of people you know you can ask if a friend/peer/classmate/coworker is willing to commit some time towards your initiative. For instance, if you have a classmate who's very organized, perhaps consider asking them to help you plan out the logistics of your iniative. If they say yes, you know have someone to help you! If they're unable to do so, worry not, and continue your search. By the end of this process of having different people commit to a variety of roles, you will have assembled a team that will put your initiative into action.

Working collaboratively with your team is CRUCIAL and so it's important that you chose team members you know will help rather than hinder your initiative.

Sometimes you have shoes you need to fill and no one you know is the right fit - don't worry, this is where online applications come in!

You can find someone to fit the role by posting an online application onto your social media. Making an application doesn't have to be difficult. For example, you can simply create a Google Form where you describe the role and it's responsibilities, and then have a series of questions that will allow the applicant to demonstrate why they'd be good for the role. Once you've created the application form, post the announcement and link onto your platforms for people to apply to (remember to include a deadline). All that's left afterwards is to look through the applications and determine who you think would work best for the role.

In essence, there are many people out there who would be willing to help make your ideas into reality, it's simply a matter of reaching out to people and figuring out the best fit for your team.


Where do I find resources for marketing?

An individual can have the most amazing fundraiser planned, only for it to fall through due to lack of marketing. Marketing is an essential part of any initiative. A common issue that people face when it comes to marketing is where to start and how to market effectively. Here are some possible solutions to this issue:

  1. Hire a marketing director whose sole responsibility is ensuring that your initiative is being marketed effectively (whether that be through social media, word of mouth, etc...). Having a specific person responsible for marketing guarantees that the marketing aspect of an initiative is not forgotten. Furthermore, having an individual dedicated to marketing reduces the workload on you and your other team members to focus on the other aspects of your initiative.

  2. Explore different marketing resources; there is tons of information on the internet about marketing and a lot of it can be useful when geared towards your own initiatives.

  3. Reach out to a professional whose career is related to marketing for tips and ideas. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professional networking and a great way to gain insight on how other organizations run their own initiatives.

  4. For more tips and tricks on marketing, check out our recent post about how to market effectively on Instagram.

Remember that running an initiative requires a lot of planning and work, so don't be discouraged if you hit a roadblock. Through the many different resources discussed in this post, you can always find solutions to the obstacles that arise. We live in a time where knowledge and connections are at your fingertips - use the technology available to your advantage!


That wraps up our second post on overcoming obstacles! Thank you for reading and check back next week for the third installment of #OvercomingObstacles. Finally, remember to follow us @youthbeheardcanada on Instagram and check out becoming an ambassador for even more resources.



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